power electric reservoir câu
electric power
The machine can be operated by local electric power.Máy có thể hoạt động bằng nguồn điện địa phương. Electric Power (Transmission and ...

electric power distribution
Separate articles cover long-distance electric power transmission and electric power distribution.Bài báo riêng biệt bao gồm đường dài ...

electric power generation
221122 electric power generation, transmission and distribution1122 công tySản xuất, truyền tải và phân phối điện Electric power gener...

electric power in asia
Coal burning, despite recent signs of having peaked in China and pledges made at the Paris Climate talks in December last year, remains...

electric power industry
Name changed to Changchun School of Electric Power Industry.Hoạt động giải trí gần Changsha University of Electric Power The elect...

electric power line
Never go near a downed or fallen electric power line.Đừng bao giờ lại gần một dây điện rớt hoặc còn treo lủng lẳng. 1922 The first com...

electric power plant
Grand Coulee is home to the United States's largest electric power plant.Grand Coulee là nhà máy điện lớn nhất tại Mỹ. Grand Coulee is...

electric power station
Krasnoyarsk Hydro Electric Power Station (the second biggest in Russia);Nhà máy thủy điện Krasnoyarskays (lớn nhất thế giới); A few ki...

electric power supply
For instance, you have to construct electric power supply and water supply.Chẳng hạn, bạn phải xây dựng nguồn điện và cấp nước. All th...

electric power system
In an electric power system, there will always be an electric balance.Trong hệ thống điện, luôn luôn có sự tự cân bằng công suất. The ...

electric power transmission
7) electric power transmission via power lines, wired into the track structure;7) truyền tải điện qua đường dây điện, có dây vào cấu tr...

electric power university
Building develoment strategies for Electric Power University in the period 2010-2015Luận văn tiếng Anh: Building develoment strategies ...

electric-power substation
Variety: With more than 1,500 marine diesel engines and thousands of replacement parts in catalog, Loi Loi is considered as a supermark...

nuclear electric power generation
Water plays a vital role in fossil and nuclear electric power generation plants, which require large quantities of water, primarily for...

a reservoir
The Basilica Cistern is a reservoir whose history goes back over 1500 years.Basilica Cistern là một hồ chứa có lịch sử hơn 1500 năm. R...

Put the omaya reservoir in my skull and treat me for the staph.Đặt ống Ommaya vào sọ tôi và điều trị khuẩn tụ cầu. Sgt. Oh threw it in...

We're going to administer a short series of electric shocksChúng ta sẽ thực hiện một liệu pháp sốc điện ngắn. I'm going to put like an...

a reservoir of knowledge
A sea of knowledge: a lot of knowledgeA reservoir of knowledge: Một bể kiến thức The Atharvaveda was considered a reservoir of knowledg...

air reservoir
Please check the pressure stability of the air compressor and whether the air storage capacity of the air reservoir is sufficient to su...

conservation reservoir
When the average discharge of a river is not enough for a dependable supply of water, a conservation reservoir may be built.Khi lưu lượ...

coolant reservoir
To use it, unscrew the coolant reservoir cap under the bonnet, after checking the engine is cold.Để sử dụng nó, tháo nắp thùng chứa chấ...

courtright reservoir
During times of peak demand for electricity, which is also when it is most expensive, water is drained from Courtright Reservoir, run t...

fish reservoir
With no dirt to fix up and much less waste to repair from the fish reservoir, sustaining an aquaponic process requires little care.Khi ...

groundwater reservoir
As crazy as it sounds, the groundwater reservoir might even extend farther than that, the researchers hint.Nghe có vẻ điên rồ nhưng hồ ...

heat reservoir
The oil isn’t utilized as fuel, so it simply works as a heat reservoir and doesn’t ever get exhausted.Dầu trong máy sưởi không được sử ...